Thursday, November 4, 2010



Dear My Chemical Romance,

Have I told you lately how much I adore you?
And how absolutely over the top estatic I am that you are finally coming out with a new CD?
My son heard enough of your music while he was in the womb that he also seems to perk up when I mention to him that the new CD is coming out. He is only two but let me tell you he has the chorus of your new song, na, na, na.
(He also likes the Wiggles so do not fear that he has somehow been corrupted by rock n' roll.)
I want to download the new songs as they pop up on ITunes but that feels like reading the end of a book before you read the beginning.So, I think I am going to have to wait until the release date on November 22 and get the CD so that I can hold it in my hands and listen to it in one fell swoop!
You make me happy! Your music makes me happy! Bright red hair makes me happy!
And being happy is good stuff.
(Do not let the man in the spandex scare you, he is harmless and fully clothed!)

(People c'mon, tell me that you aren't intrigued by what is going to happen in the story? Are the Killjoys dead? Why are the bad guys taking the boy? Will the boy live......
Well, here is a trailer I just saw for the next song "Sing" and can I be honest with you.....I got all fluttery with happiness like you do on a really great rollercoaster, or when you open a Christmas present and realize as you are opening it that it is what you really really wanted.....

So just to sum up this letter My Chemical Romance you:
A. Make me happy
B. Make me fluttery
C. Are the Christmas present that I really really want. You don't even have to be wrapped up in a box. Just bows on your heads sitting under the tree and I'm good!

(And no I was not drinking when I wrote this post)